Habitat models in nature conservation

Even in projects where an extensive amount of data has been collected (i.e. radio-tagging data), it can still be challenging to derive a precise area-based balance or to plan avoidance and compensation measures. Survey data, even from relatively intensive data recording, often depicts only a segment of the whole situation. Therefore in many cases, at least for specific areas of the survey, a prognosis must be used.

Such prognoses may be based on professional expertise. But statistical models based on genuine data prove to be more detailed, objective, and spatially precise.

Statistical models can also be used to determine the habitat suitability for those partial survey areas, for which there are no current verification of the occurrence of a species (habitat suitability model). This requires the knowledge of the specific habitat requirements of the target species in that particular geographic region. Using this data, the biotic and abiotic key factors that influence the occurrence of this species can be filtered out.

Model of the distribution of suitable habitats Habitat of the Bechstein's bat

Bechstein's bat (Myotis bechsteinii)

Due to our extensive experience in this area, we are able to develop models for new projects adapted to specific inquiries, thereby gaining insights beyond those of collected data from field surveys.